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brunel hotel

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by brunel hotel, apply now for this great job to teach English in United Kingdom. More job details below.

About the Job



Head Office Address
79-81 Gloucester Terrace, London,UK

Tel... +44 703 183 6420 +44 703 183 7013

As per above request we need manpower to work in Brunel Hotel in Uk. The total requirements will be 200 workers.
Workers that have the ability to work hard only need to apply and must come from non-criminal origin and must agree to abide by the hotels rules and regulations. Details needed: Bio-data's of these workers in advance for us to do the shortlist before conduction of interview .Also important, they must speak some English during interview. They will be tested on the spot and interviewed by the hotel management..Salary: is very attractive depending on experience to be found in our salary and benefit which will be forwarded to you for your perusal. Overtime: 2 hrs/day Public Holiday / Sunday: Double Pay,the important thing here is speed. The hotel management wants the whole thing settled in 30days time. If you can meet our requirement please reply for further procedures. The management will take care of your feeding,accommodation including your air ticket.We will provide all the relevant backup documents to enable the applicant get his or her visa final seal,recognition and official recordings at UK-Embassy in the applicants country of residence.Visas will be issued upon approval from Uk-Immigration Bureau.
If you are interested to work with us, respond to this mail as a matter of urgency.EMAIL. (




Skills Required:

Head Office Address
79-81 Gloucester Terrace, London,UK


Tel... +44 703 183 6420
+44 703 183 7013

As per above request we need manpower to work in Brunel Hotel in Uk. The total requirements will be 200 workers.
Workers that have the ability to work hard only need to apply and must come from non-criminal origin and must agree to abide by the hotels rules and regulations. Details needed: Bio-data's of these workers in advance for us to do the shortlist before conduction of interview .Also important, they must speak some English during interview. They will be tested on the spot and interviewed by the hotel management..Salary: is very attractive depending on experience to be found in our salary and benefit which will be forwarded to you for your perusal. Overtime: 2 hrs/day Public Holiday / Sunday: Double Pay,the important thing here is speed. The hotel management wants the whole thing settled in 30days time. If you can meet our requirement please reply for further procedures. The management will take care of your feeding,accommodation including your air ticket.We will provide all the relevant backup documents to enable the applicant get his or her visa final seal,recognition and official recordings at UK-Embassy in the applicants country of residence.Visas will be issued upon approval from Uk-Immigration Bureau.
If you are interested to work with us, respond to this mail as a matter of urgency.EMAIL. (

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