No TEFL no experience required 15k/month
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Teaching Supply
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Teaching Supply, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
This is not a joke position, the reason it is preferred that you have no experience or TEFL qualifications is because the school uses very specific teaching methods also they are looking for someone young and full of energy.Please view all of the details below:
JOB 65
School Information:
Type of School: Private language college
City: Shanghai
Number of Posts: 3
Contact Hours: 15-20 hours
Teacher Qualification:
Age Group you will Teach: 3-6
Teaching Experience Required: Preferred No experience
Type of Degree Required: Any
Professional Teaching Qualifications Required: Preferred No TEFL
Nationality: USA citizen preferred otherwise Native speaker of English (Canada USA Australia UK New Zealand Ireland)
Contract Terms
Wage per month: 14,000-15,000
Start Date: December 2008
Accommodation Provided : No
Holiday Entitlement: Chinese State Holidays plus others.
Medical Allowance: No
International Airfare: Return
A brief introduction to the school: This school employes a very interactive and energetic method of teaching their students by using smart board. As such they require a young teacher with lots of enthusiasm. Why no experience is preferred is that you need to conform to their style of teaching.MAP LINK
To apply please send me an email with you current CV.
Sam Chapman
Teacher Recruitment Manager
Teaching Supply
+86 21 6267 3993
Skills Required:
Mimimum Degree, no other experience or certificates required.Browse related jobs
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