BC Offshore School in Qatar, Middle East, Immediate and 2018-19 Licensed Grade 5 Homeroom Teachers P
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Hayat Universal School (HUBS) Qatar
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Hayat Universal School (HUBS) Qatar, apply now for this great job to teach English in Qatar. More job details below.
About the Job
BC Offshore School in Qatar, Middle East, Immediate and 2018-19 Licensed Grade 5 Homeroom Teachers Positions
Licensed Teacher Positions: Canada, United States, UK, New Zealand, Australia or South Africa Licensed Teachers are needed for a BC Certified School in Qatar, Middle East
- Grade 5 Homeroom Teachers
How to Apply:
email your resume and cover letter to:
careers.qa@hayatschool.com. In the Subject field, please insert "Dave's ESL Cafe 1718" and the position applied for.
School Website:
Doha, Qatar.
Contract Terms:
Two-year contracts are provided with a higher starting salary.
Compensation and Benefits:
- Starting salary can range from CAD 43,000 - 56,000 annually for bachelor degree holders, with two years experience and are willing to commit for two year contracts.
- Salary is tax free. There are no income taxes in Qatar
- End of service benefit at the rate of 70 % of one-month gross salary for every full year of service
- Furnished, air-conditioned housing.
- Transportation allowance of Qatari Riyal 1,000 (If accommodation is not within walking distance from the school, the school will arrange for transportation to and from the school).
- All utilities paid except telephone and Internet bills
- Economy airfare at the beginning and end of the contract
- Annual economy round-trip air fare to point of origin at the time of summer vacation
- Local private medical insurance
- Reimbursement of excess baggage expenses
- School will arrange and bear the Qatar government fee of your visa, work permit and national identification.
- Teachers with families receive additional benefits for their family members including larger housing, higher excess baggage allowance, children schooling, tickets, medical insurance and help with visa expenses. There is a range of these benefits based on years of experience.
- Participation in extracurricular activities organized by the school is optional. Teachers who choose to participate receive 50% of fee collected for the activity.
Candidate Profile and Qualifications:
- The school hires licensed teachers from BC and other Canadian provinces and Teachers who have Elementary Certification from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa. Teachers who are licensed in jurisdictions other than Canada British Columbia would be expected to work on their BC certification after they accept an official offer from the school.
- A minimum of two years of experience is required.
- Experience in differentiated learning and thematic instruction is strongly preferred
- Experience in ESL education is strongly preferred.
- International experience and/or an attitude of respect to other cultures is needed.
School Overview:
Hayat Universal School (HUBS) Qatar is a British Columbia Certified Offshore School (fully accredited by the BC Ministry of Education). This is the link to the BC Certified Offshore Schools:
http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/offshore_schools/offshrschls_list.pd f
The Ministry thoroughly inspects our school every year. For example, inspectors look into BC program year plans, instructional time, instructional methods, admission system, integrity of promotion and registration process, support services, school policies, safety and supervision plans, student and staff records, teacher and principal certification and hiring practices, learning resources, facilities and school licensing.
To graduate from our school, students will have to successfully complete the requirements of the British Columbia graduation program in English. Graduates receive the British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma).
Although the school offers bilingual/bi-cultural education with an Arabic Program that implements the Qatar National Curriculum, the main program is the BC program with the majority of the instructional time dedicated for this program (80% in K and 74% starting Grade 1)
The school started in 2009-2010 with KG1 - Grade 3 and has been adding a grade every year with the movement of students to higher grades. It offers up to Grade 10 in 2016-2017 and will be adding Grade 11 in 2017-2018. The purpose of this approach is to make the lower grades the main point of entry to the school and to keep transfers in the higher primary and intermediate grades to the minimum.
From 190 students in its first year (2009-2010), the school has grown to 1237 students in 2016-2017, with 1045 enrolled in the BC Program, which starts at KG2. The remaining students are registered in our Early Childhood Program (PreKG and KG1). The school's reputation and its remarkable success are attributed to its bilingual program, the world-class BC program it implements and the quality and dedication of the school team of teachers and administrators who make these programs a success. The students are predominantly Qataris and ESL learners. The school Early Childhood Grades (PreKG and KG1) prepare students for the BC Program. English is the main language of instruction in these grades. Their curriculum dovetails with the BC curriculum.
HUBS Qatar is the culmination of the vision and experience of a renowned psychologist and educator in the Middle East. Parents, teachers and BC inspectors sense the community that prevails in the school. In the year (2016-2017), the school team of educators include 68 administrators; classroom, support and ESL teachers. 52 are licensed educators, 48 Canadians,3 Americans and 1 South African. The remaining 14 qualified teachers are from Canada, Lebanon, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Tunisia, Romania and South Africa. There are also 28 Arab teachers who deliver the Arabic Program. The school is supported by a team of teacher assistants. Each PreKG - Grade 2 class is assigned a teaching assistant. TA time is provided to the higher elementary grades on part time basis.
Get a feel of our school! Visit the photo gallery on our website to see pictures of staff, students and facilities!
http://www.hayatschool.com/MediaGallery/HayatGallery.asp?categ oryid=73
Qatar is a stable and wealthy small country. The government has a vision for this small country that makes citizens proud. Doha, the capital is the only city in the country. It is an upscale expatriate-friendly city that is close to many travel destinations. Qatar has taken major strides in developing education with many major international universities opening branches here. The country hosts a wealth of international and regional sports and cultural events. These are some links to introduce you to the Qatar: