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Fundación Escuela Bilingue Puerta del Sol
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Fundación Escuela Bilingue Puerta del Sol, apply now for this great job to teach English in Argentina. More job details below.
About the Job
“Fundación Escuela Bilingue Puerta del Sol”, in Patagonia Argentina, needs native English teachers, duly accredited to teach English as a foreign/second language, to teach in the town of Trevelin, Chubut, Argentina, for the period of 9 months (one school year) as of March 2008.Trevelin is a beautiful touristic center in our Patagonia, originally a Welsh settlement. Being by the astonishing “Parque Nacional Los Alerces”, one of the biggest and most beautiful national parks in the country, it received thousands of visitors each season.
The school (pre-primary, primary and secondary) is administered by its foundation whose purpose is delivering high quality bilingual education to all children, despite their social and economical status, at the lowest possible cost, offering half and full scholarships to kids who cannot afford it.
Despite been a small school with limited resources, we believe in the right of all children to access this kind of education, and thus we have designed a program for teachers (especially, but not limited to, new graduates) that would like to gain invaluable teaching experience while living in a beautiful and culturally very rich town in our country.
We are in the search of native English teachers from any English speaking country willing to teach 12 hours of English per week at the school in return for accommodation, meals, and an intensive Spanish course. Apart from that, each teacher will get 30% of all fees collected for any extracurricular course that you would like to teach (which will be open to the entire community, all age groups including adults). You are asked to teach at least one extracurricular course, while having the chance of imparting as many other courses under the same conditions as you want, given that it gets the attention of at least 5 potential students.
So, if you are: a native English speaker, certified TRINITY TESOL or equivalent, willing to live a great experience in Argentina while offering invaluable help to our community through your teaching, we would love to hear from you. Please send your cover letter and CV to info@puertadelsol.org.ar. Please mention which grades you would feel more comfortable teaching:
PREKINDER: 3 years old
KINDER GARDEN: 4 and 5 years old
PRIMARY SCHOOL: 6 to 12 years old
SECONDARY SCHOOL: 12 to 17 years old
YOUNG ADULTS AND ADULTS (only for extracurricular courses)
You can find more information about the school at www.puertadelsol.org.ar
Also, information about Trevelin is at:
www.trevelin.org http://www.welcomeargentina.com/trevelin/
Skills Required:
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