General English and/or IELTS teacher needed for Native English Center
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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by NATIVE ENGLISH CENTER, apply now for this great job to teach English in Uzbekistan. More job details below.
About the Job
General English and/or IELTS teacher needed for Native English Center in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
28 maximum contracted hours per week, 5 days a week, $1000 per month (gross), 12% income tax. 1 year contract.
We also provide apartment, flight and visa reimbursement. Apartment is within walking distance of the school.
Tashkent is a very cheap place to live, safe and comfortable. You can save most of your salary, and travel to other countries or the Silk Road on weekends.
Students range from 7 to 65+. Roughly divided into two groups. Morning teachers and 7-15yo's. Evening teachers and 15-65yo's.
MUST be a Native English Speaker for visa requirements (US/UK/AUS/etc. passport holder).
MUST have a TEFL/CELTA certificate.
MUST have a Bachelor's degree (or higher).
Please email for more info. NativeEnglishCenterTash