China Teaching Internship
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Tina Lewington
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Tina Lewington, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Must hold a passport from UK, Irel and, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand&nb sp;
No Degree Required! No expe rience necessary.
Would you like to teach in China but& nbsp;don’t have a degree or experience?  ; Then our TEFL369 China Teaching Internship& nbsp;is for you.
- 6months’ practical teaching experience
- 6000RMB monthly living allowance(Enough to&nb sp;live a comfortable life in China.
- 3000RMB Flight Stipend paid after 6  ;months.
Getting there
Fly into Qingdao airport to be met by a member of in-country staff and transf erred to your accommodation.
What’s included
- Advice & pre-departurehelp and preparation
- Visa assistance and support
- Free travel to validate visa.
- Airport meet and greet & transfersto accommodation
- 2 Free Mandarin lessonsper week if reques ted
- Accommodation (Shared with own bedroom)
- 6months’ Practical teaching experience
- 6000RMB monthly living allowance(Enough to&nb sp;live a comfortable life in China)
- 3000RMB Flight Stipend paid on completio n
- Ongoing in-country support
- Internship Certificate and reference on comple tion (If requested)
Skills Required:
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