Teachers needed in FOSHAN, South China
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Real English Training Centre
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Real English Training Centre, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Real English is a large Training Centre in Foshan, South China established for twelve years, owned and run by an Englishman and his Chinese wife teaching English to children from four to fifteen years at weekends. We need a new teacher to join our team of eight English teachers starting the new year in late August 2020. Starting salary for a one year renewable contract is 16,000 yuan plus an annual net bonus of 16,000, free luxury two bed accommodation within walking distance of the school, free Chinese lessons, welcome allowance of 5,000 yuan, return air fare paid on arrival, airport pick up and many other benefits.
The climate is sub tropical with warm weather pretty much year round and the local area is a modern suburb with lots of cafes, shops, restaurants, parks, gyms, swimming pools etc. Western delicatessen, supermarkets and wet markets with a lot of good western produce, Western restaurants and cafes also nearby. Teaching hours are twenty two fifty minute lessons maximum per week at weekends with no ancillary duties. Four to five weeks paid holiday per year.
Qualifications : native speakers only, preferably from the UK, relevant degree, TEFL and at least one year's experience. We need a person able to cooperate well within a successful, friendly, energetic and enthusiastic young team. Suitable candidates will be given further details with photos of the school and contact details of our teachers to check out the job, our Training Centre and reputation.
If you can post this for me please it would be much appreciated. Sorry to put you to this trouble, but the system appears broken.
Kind regards
David Cockburn
The climate is sub tropical with warm weather pretty much year round and the local area is a modern suburb with lots of cafes, shops, restaurants, parks, gyms, swimming pools etc. Western delicatessen, supermarkets and wet markets with a lot of good western produce, Western restaurants and cafes also nearby. Teaching hours are twenty two fifty minute lessons maximum per week at weekends with no ancillary duties. Four to five weeks paid holiday per year.
Qualifications : native speakers only, preferably from the UK, relevant degree, TEFL and at least one year's experience. We need a person able to cooperate well within a successful, friendly, energetic and enthusiastic young team. Suitable candidates will be given further details with photos of the school and contact details of our teachers to check out the job, our Training Centre and reputation.
If you can post this for me please it would be much appreciated. Sorry to put you to this trouble, but the system appears broken.
Kind regards
David Cockburn
Real English Training Centre, FOSHAN, South China
Contact : David Cockburn - davidcockburn123@yahoo.com
tel :0086 13425865555
Contact : David Cockburn - davidcockburn123@yahoo.com
tel :0086 13425865555
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