30th Soongsil University Winter English Camp Teacher Wanted
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Soongsil University English Camp
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Soongsil University English Camp, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
1. Location: Soongsil University, Seoul
2. Position Available: Around 80 (Visa Type: F2, F4, F5, F6, E2, E1, C4)
* Please, indicate your visa type.
3. Working Conditions
□ A-1 Type: 4 weeks
a. Schedule
⦁ Training Session: 2 days (23rd - 24th December, 2019)
⦁ Camp: 19 days (27th December, 2019 - 22nd January, 2020)*
* 28th December, 2019, 1st & 11th January, 2020 : Regular class schedule
b. Working Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Mon. - Fri.)
c. Remuneration: Around KRW 3,650,000 (₩ 3,650,000)*
* Including the one level test participation fee
□ A-2 Type: 4 weeks
a. Schedule
⦁ Training Session: 2 days (23rd - 24th December, 2019)
⦁ Camp: 19 days (27th December, 2019 - 22nd January, 2020)*
* 1st, 11th January, 2020: Regular class schedule
b. Working Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Mon. - Fri.)
c. Remuneration: Around KRW 3,500,000 (₩ 3,500,000)
* Including the one level test participation fee
□ B Type: 2 weeks
a. Schedule
⦁ Training Session: 2 days (23rd - 24th December, 2019)
⦁ Camp: 10 days (6th - 17th January, 2020)*
* 11th January, 2020: Regular class schedule
b. Working Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Mon. to Fri.)
c. Remuneration: Around KRW 1,750,000 (₩ 1,750,000)
* Including the one level test participation fee
■ Level Test Schedule ■
⦁ Date: 1st December, 2019
⦁ Time: 10:30 - 6:00 PM
⦁ Pay: KRW 150,000 (₩ 150,000)
* The schedule is subject to change.
* You can participate in the level tests multiple times.
4. Participants
a. Elementary or Middle School Students
b. Class size: Around 15 ~ 18 students
5. Qualification
a. A valid passport from one of the following native English-speaking
countries; USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia and South
b. A minimum of a Bachelor degree from an accredited four-year university
c. Teaching experiences more than a year
d. Give preference to
⦁ Teaching experiences more than 3 years in regular schools or institutes
⦁ Major in English or Education
⦁ Certifications (ex. TESOL)
e. All classes are available only in English.
6. Required documents
a. Resume with your recent picture and cover letter
* Your resume needs to include your nationality, current job, recent careers
and major.
b. Copy of your passport and visa, bank book, diploma of your last school
(Only for selected applicants)
7. The process
a. Primary: documents
⦁ Submit a resume and cover letter to the human resource manager at
b. Secondary: interview and teaching demonstration
8. Application Deadline: until the positions are filled.
9. If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail at
ssucamphr@soongsil.ac.kr or call at 02-828-7383(Jennie Cho).
* Please indicate what camps you want to join.
* Only selected applicants will be contacted for interviews and submitted
documents will not be returned to applicants.
* If there's no the right man for the position, no one will be hired.
* If there are any differences in your documents, your application can be