Full-time/Part-time teacher at Guangzhou Korean School
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Guangzhou Korean School
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Guangzhou Korean School, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
1. Full time English Teachers
- School Name : Guangzhou Korean School in China
authorized by both Chinese and South Korean government
- Job Title : Full-time English Teacher for Grade 1-6 (1 person)
- Teaching Hours per week : 20 Teaching hours
(each period = 40 minutes for grade 1-6)
- Terms of Contract : ASAP - February 28, 2021
- Monthly Salary : 14,000RMB(before tax) : Now ~ Feb. 29, 2020
16,000RMB(before tax) : March 1, 2020 ~ Feb. 28, 2021
- Monthly house allowance : 4,000RMB or 6,000RMB
(based on the number of family members)
- Monthly lunch allowance : 500RMB
- Flight allowance : RMB return ticket (Reimburse upon completion of the contract)
- Advantage : 1,500 RMB for Teacher’s certificate & English or Education major Or 1,000 RMB for TESOL, TEFL, CELT certificate
- Bonus : 12000~14000 RMB
(once a year based on the result of the teacher’s assessment )
- Benefit : Paid holidays during summer and winter vacation.
- After-school program : required to take charge of (paid additionally)
- Our website : www.gks.or.kr
1) Essential Qualifications
- At least 2 years of teaching experience (For issuing visa)
- Bachelor Degree
- TESOL / TEFL / CELT Certificate
2) Preferred Specifications
- A native English speaker from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand is mandatory for working visa.
- Open to an applicant who majored in the humanities including English Language & Literature
- Experience in teaching young learners
3) Documents required
1) Resume with an updated photo
2) Cover letter (including the precise job position you apply for)
3) Scanned copy of bachelor’s degree certificate
4) TESOL / TEFL Certificate
5) Clean criminal records (after you are accepted)
**Payment is not negotiable.
If you are interested, please send your resume to info@gks.or.kr (Tel : 020-3929-8661~2)
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2. Part-time English teacher
- School Name : Guangzhou Korean School in China
authorized by both Chinese and South Korean government
- Job Title : primary part-time Teacher for Grades 1-6
- Teaching Hours per week : 18 Teaching hours
(Each period: 40 minutes)
- Terms of Contract : ASAP – 2020.2.29.
- Payment 150 RMB/hr, lunch (25 RMB/day)
1) Qualifications
- Bachelor’s Degree
2) Preferred Specifications
- A native English speaker from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand is preferred.
- Open to an applicant who majored in the humanities including English Language & Literature.
3) Documents required
- Resume with a current photo
- Bachelor’s Degree Certificate
* If you are interested in, please send your resume with one of your recent photo to info@gks.or.kr