Teach English as a Foreign Language in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico!
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Colegio San Jose
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Colegio San Jose, apply now for this great job to teach English in Mexico. More job details below.
About the Job
ESL/EFL Teachers needed for a private PreK-6 school. Content-based, all-skills bilingual program.
Details of Position
Institution: Colegio San Jose’ is a private school providing PreK-6 instruction in content areas (English, Spanish, Math, science, etc.), accredited by the State of Sonora, Mexico. A major goal is to have English class (ESL PreK-6) taught by native speakers with TESL training (experience and Elementary Teacher training, as well as with the implementation of a Balanced Literacy program desired). We have a philosophy of active learning, especially for all subjects and have a Positive Discipline program for the whole school.
Please visit our website: colegiosanjose.edu.mx
Teachers are expected to work Monday to Friday, from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, and be available after those hours depending on activities and responsibilities. Daily/weekly responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Teaching: providing quality instruction based on prescribed curriculum, to multiple classes of students per day. Develop and administer formative and summative assessments. Monitor student outcomes and develop plans for student improvement.
Duty: Monitor and engage students as they enter school, during recess and exit school.
Lesson Planning: teachers are required to submit weekly lesson plans to supervising coordinator to include materials needed and requests for necessary copies.
Meetings: teachers attend weekly departmental or faculty meetings for professional development or information sharing. Teachers also participate in a weekly one on one meeting with supervising coordinator.
In addition to the regular school day, there are several special events that the school holds throughout the school year where teachers are expected to participate (Christmas Play, Parents meetings, sporting events, professional development/training, etc.) Occasionally an event may occur on a saturday.
Teachers at our school are expected to participate actively and implement the schools rules and expectations based on a positive discipline approach.
Teachers at San José must be able to think flexibly, act quickly, work both independently and collaboratively with other teachers, families and administrators. Additionally our teachers must embody the school’s philosophy and values.
Bachelor degree in Education, EFL/ESL Certification or Teacher Certification. Teaching experience in primary school is highly desired. (Knowledge and experience with the On Our Way to English Curriculum, Positive Discipline Approach, Guided Reading and Writer's Workshop would be an asset.)
Contract Period: School year contract: August 2019 - June 2020 (renewal of contract for more years desired).
Transportation: Transportation to the city of Hermosillo is at the educators’ expense. Hermosillo has an international airport with flights to the U.S., and the city is a three-hour drive from the Arizona, USA border on a modern four-lane divided highway (foreign cars do not need special permit). Another (and maybe more affordable) option is to fly into Tucson or Phoenix, AZ and then take a bus into Hermosillo.
Location: Hermosillo is the capital of Sonora state, with about 800,000 inhabitants very close to the Gulf of California, and backed by the Sonoran desert. A few miles from Hermosillo are the beautiful seaside resorts of San Carlos and Kino Bay, both with great recreational activities such as diving, snorkeling, kayaking, fishing, and water sports.
Many Americans and Canadians own homes in this area due to its proximity to the border and its beauty. Because of its southerly latitude (mid-Florida), summers are hot and winters are mild and sunny. Hermosillo holds several cultural events during the year and is host to a AAA professional baseball team, as well as soccer and basketball teams.
Salary and Benefits
Payment Schedule: Salary paid twice per month on the 15th and on the last day of each month.
Salary: Salary will be paid in pesos. The monthly salary will be $26,600 pesos cash initially then by direct deposit to a Mexican Bank.
Renewal: A bonus of $15,000 pesos is given upon completion of contract. Each annual contract is subject to renewal with increase in salary, dependent upon successful completion of the contract, quality of performance, positive evaluations, and mutual consent of the teacher and the administration of Colegio San Jose. Teachers with a multi-year commitment to Mexico and the institution are encouraged to apply.
Vacation Leave: Two major holiday periods occur during the school year--- Christmas vacation and Spring Break---each of which is approximately two to three weeks, plus various other Mexican holidays. These are paid holidays. They cannot accrue as cash and must be taken during the scheduled holiday dates.
Sick Leave: Colegio San Jose will provide 3 days of paid sick leave. After the expiration of these 3 days, teachers who find themselves in a position of needing more leave, upon presentation of proof, will be granted leave with a deduction in pay at the daily rate. The school provides Mexican major medical insurance for the duration of contract.
Top notch Medical facilities are available in Hermosillo.
Housing: Colegio San Jose does not have faculty housing available. However, the institution will assist new teachers in finding suitable housing. We suggest that teachers arrive, at latest, 3 days before start of contract for the purposes of getting settled. We will provide host housing for three days, during which time teachers can look for an apartment, with our help. After the three day period has expired, we respectfully request that teachers who have not yet found housing, relocate at their own expense. It is estimated that a one- or two-bedroom furnished apartment can be rented for between $5000 - $7000 pesos per month, depending on the location. Also, sharing housing with other ESL teachers is possible.
Visa, Mexican: Colegio San Jose will facilitate application for the visa to work in Mexico and reimburse all visa fees at end of contract.
1) A detailed and current resume.
2) Three professional references that include telephone and email contact.
3) A cover letter explaining your interest in this position and your qualifications.
Tracey Pratt: elsaamavizcag@gmail.com