IMMEDIATE Opening for English Teacher in South Korea

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EFL Language Institute

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by EFL Language Institute, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.

About the Job


Company: EFL Language Institute is a private school teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to Korean students, ages 8-15.

Description: EFL is searching for a native English speaker to join its foreign teaching staff. Teachers instruct South Korean students, ages 8-15, in English language pronunciation, spelling and comprehension. Lesson plans and teaching materials are provided by the school, and teachers are supported by a Korean counterpart. EFL sponsors the visa application for the candidate selected to fill the position.

Qualifications: A bachelor's degree is required. Teaching or tutoring experience (formal or informal) is not required, as training will be provided. However, previous teaching experience is a benefit. TEFL or TESOL certification is also not required, but it is considered an advantage.

Salary/Benefits: In addition to a 2.1 million won/month salary, EFL supplies a flight to South Korea and a fully-furnished, one bedroom apartment for the duration of the teaching contract. In-country health insurance is also provided, which includes prescription coverage. After completing their one year contract, teachers receive a financial bonus that is equivalent to a month's salary. National holidays are observed, and teachers receive an additional week off at the end of July.



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