Urgent: English Teachers

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Duong Hai

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Duong Hai, apply now for this great job to teach English in Vietnam. More job details below.

About the Job


3. Job offer:
- Working hours: 25 hours/ week

- Salary: $1500/month in 2 months of probation. We will review your performance and increase your salary to $1600/month in the third month

- Benefits:

Support Work permit process

Friendly working environment

Accommodation included

Payment day: the fifth of the following month

4. Job requirements:

- Having experience in teaching kindergarten classes.

- Native English Speakers from USA, UK, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African

- Bachelor Degree ( or equivalent)

- Teaching certificate ( TEFL, CELTA, TESOL,...)

- CV with photos.

- Passport and visa


If you are interested in this job, feel free to contact me through my email: duonghai.hvtc@gmail.com




Skills Required:

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