NES Primary and Female Kindergarten / Homeroom Teachers
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TSIS Education
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by TSIS Education, apply now for this great job to teach English in Thailand. More job details below.
About the Job
For Immediate Hiring
Basic THB 48,000
Basic THB 50,000
Both applicable
Housing support THB 3,000
Education/Masters/PGCE THB 10,000
Experience THB 1,000 per year up to the 5th year
End contract bonus THB 20,000
Free document processing
Free lunch meals
Free Aetna health card
Kinder 20 students or less
Primary 25 students or less
With Teacher assistant up to Primary 5
Rooms with AC, Computer and Internet, Projector
20 contact hours a week
7:20-3:30 Daily clock in/out schedule M-F
2.5 Months yearly paid vacation
Skills Required:
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