English, Science and Mathematics Teachers

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Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages, apply now for this great job to teach English in Thailand. More job details below.

About the Job


English, Science and Mathematics Teachers (local applicants)

There will be walk-in interviews in Room 406 Sukhothai Building, Ramkhamhaeng University from 09.00 on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September, 2018 for foreign teachers interested in teaching in Nonthaburi Government schools.

There will be vacancies for English Language teachers, as well as for Science and Mathematics teachers able to teach these subjects in English. Even if they have forwarded documents electronically beforehand, all prospective teachers must bring their passports and resumes, as well as their original and copies of diplomas and transcripts to the interviews. If they have a TOEIC certificate showing more than 600 or a Thai Permanent Teacher’s License, they should also bring them to the interview.

Successful applicants will be invited to three days of training and orientation on Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th October, 2018. The teaching ability of the applicants will be assessed during the three days of training and those with the top ranking will be offered teaching positions. The cost of this training will be a non-returnable 2,500 Baht. Teachers will be required to report to their schools on or before Thursday 1st November, 2018.

For further information contact the Teacher Support Officer, Ajarn Lawrie, mobile number 0816237680.

Resumes and other documents can be forwarded to rugby_bc2408@hotmail.com but must also be brought to the interview. 




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