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MIL - The Language Center
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by MIL - The Language Center, apply now for this great job to teach English in Japan. More job details below.
About the Job
Full-time, 40 working hours/week, to 26.6 teaching/class hours/week, 5 days/week. 260,000 – 280,000 yen (depending on education and experience) guaranteed per month. Teach kindies and younger children at several different locations in and around the Tokyo area. Our school has contracts with area private kindergartens to provide English exposure for regular daytime students, and after-school “club” classes for older primary students. Conversational Japanese ability is preferred, as the instructor will be required to interact and coordinate with Japanese teachers and staff. Native English speaker, and BA/BS minimum (preferably in Education, ESL or a related field) required. Experience working with children is a MUST, and experience with early learners is preferred. Applicant is NOT REQUIRED to reside in Japan. Will sponsor or renew visa. Accommodation (in Tokyo): maximum 73,000 yen/month. Paid holidays, transportation allowance, training. One-year renewable contract. Position begins December, 2019. Apply by e-mail or online with CV/resume, and photo. Contact Administrative Coordinator. MIL-The Language Center. Chiba, Japan.
mil-recruit@margaret-gaigo.jp a>
https://mil-recrui t.wixsite.com/millanguagecenter
Skype: MIL Recruit