Teaching Positions in Saudi Arabia

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Shabaka Training

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Shabaka Training, apply now for this great job to teach English in Saudi Arabia. More job details below.

About the Job


“We hire the best people regardless of credentials or experience” 
Starting August 27, 2018

Shabaka Training has been teaching the Prep Year at King Faisal University, Hofuf for over 10 years. Stable company with high teacher retention. 
10 month teaching contract = $3000 USD per month (tax free and no deductions).

Please visit our website: www.shabakaprep.c om (see Teacher Testimonials). 
Native Speakers only Females needed:

• BA + TEFL + 2 years classroom experience 
• High Emotional Intelligence and People Skills 
• Good Work Ethic 
• Flexible, Easy Going, and Sense of humor 
• Positive Attitude

Job Details: 
1. 13-14 teaching contact hours, 3 hours of proctoring, 10 office hours, 1-2 hours of staff meetings per week. 
2. No split schedule. Usually starting at 7:30am (earliest) and finished by 3:30pm (latest). 
3. Saudi Work Visit Visa paid by company. 
4. Multiple entry visa. You may exit KSA anytime. We’re near Bahrain for weekend escape. 
5. Return airfare from major airport. 
6. Transportation and airport pickup. 
7. Single, non-shared, and fully furnished apartment on secure compound in city within walking distance to large shopping mall, grocery, pharmacy, etc. 
8. Medical Insurance. 
9. Paid holidays: Approximately 2 weeks during the Academic year and 6-7 weeks at the end of the contract. 
10. Transportation to/from work (15 mins across town by bus).

Please send the following: 
1. One page CV with Education and Experience 
2. Passport photo page 
to shabakarecruiting2018@gmail.c om.

We expedite the hiring process. The Director will conduct an informal interview by skype, you can speak to a teacher, and a hiring decision will be made within 1-2 days.




Skills Required:

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