Teach English in Mexico

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by LINCOLN ENGLISH CENTER, apply now for this great job to teach English in Mexico. More job details below.

About the Job


LINCOLN ENGLISH CENTER is a small and private English school located in Los Reyes Michoacan-Mexico.

- Work hours: Monday to Saturday(8 hours a day) Most time teachers dont teach 8 daily hours..
- English levels: basic, intermediate and advanced (children, teenagers and adults) Technology such as: projector and internet

Salary:$ 6'200 MEXICAN PESOS per month. (salary is good in this area)
---Provided accommodation: YES
The apartment is close to school, you don't share room
- Provided gas, electricity and internet: YES
- Provided flight ticket:
(The school reimburse you $ 2000 Mexican pesos)
- Starting date: August 15th 2018
- Ending date: January 24th 2019
- 6 months contract or more.
- Vacations are paid.

- Native English speaker
- English teaching certificate and up accepted (CELTA, ESL, TEFL) Etc...
- Experience teaching English .
- Must arrive to Mexico with teaching documents from your country
- Under 45 years old.
- Not criminal record
- Free drugs

- Send a copy of your CV, passport and a recent picture to schedule an interview via skype.

Mrs. Hilda Oroz
SKYPE: hildaorozpaa hildaorozzz@hotmail.com
-Phone school : 52) 354 54 23855




Skills Required:

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