ELTS Tutor, A-Level Tutors, & SAT Tutor in Ningbo, China
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Tic International
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Tic International, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
ELTS Tutor, A-Level Tutors, & SAT Tutor for a Prestigious, University-Affiliated International School in Ningbo, China
To apply, please send your resume to ticinchina@gmail.com adam.tic@hotmail.com
Job Title:
1. IELTS Tutor
2. A-Level Tutors (All Subjects, especially Maths & Sciences)
3. SAT Tutor
Package: IELTS Tutor (RMB200-250,000 per annum) / SAT Tutor (RMB 230-280,000RMB per annum) / A-Level Tutor (250,000 – 300,000 RMB per annum), depending on qualifications, experience and performance. A free, two-bedroom apartment off-campus or a housing stipend is provided for all teachers. Teacher will receive an annual travel allowance (10,000 yuan), as well as free medical insurance. Holidays are paid and include around 1.5 months over the summer and 20 days over the winter holiday.
Contract Status: The IELTS teacher must begin on 27 August 2018; the A-Level and SAT Tutoring positions are available starting 27 August 2018, although later start dates are negotiable. 1 or 2 year contracts available.
Hours of Work: 36.25 hours per week; maximum of 18 teaching hours per week.
Location: Ningbo, China
Job Outline: For the academic year 18/19, a prestigious high school will enrol two classes of Senior 1 students who will target studying abroad for their undergraduate university degrees. Many of these students will take A-levels and SATs instead of the traditional gaokao pathway.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the design and delivery of a high-quality A-Level curriculum. They will also be responsible for providing formative and summative feedback to students, monitoring student progress, and reporting student progress to management and parents.
The role will require an experienced, collegial, highly-motivated and student-focused individual who can work both independently and as part of an intercultural team. The current priority for the A-level role is for teachers with experience and qualifications to teach math and science A-levels, though candidates with all A-level experience are encouraged to apply.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
• Teaching up to a maximum of 18 hours per week.
• Development of curriculum and classroom materials
• Pastoral care of students, tracking and reporting student progress.
• Administrative duties relating to teaching (assessment, standardisation, lesson preparation, report writing, attendance of regular meetings and training sessions).
• Effective liaison with the other members of the English language teaching staff and school management Team.
• Any other reasonable duties appropriate to the post.
Essential Requirements: First degree in subject specialism; English as a first language, or equivalent English language competence; significant experience of full-time A-Level, IELTS, or SAT teaching, respective to the role applied for; significant experience of curriculum and materials development; confidence in providing feedback on student work; ability to work in a team and to teach and assess to agreed criteria; ability to work under pressure and meet administrative/marking deadlines; good oral and written presentation skills, including excellent word-processing skills
Preferred Requirements: Previous qualified examiner status for standardised assessment (including IELTS or other international exam systems); Master's degree or higher in subject specialism; qualified teacher status from home country; experience of teaching Chinese High School/University students; experience of teaching in mainland China
To apply, please send your resume to ticinchina@gmail.com adam.tic@hotmail.com