Abbey Road Programs - Program Director
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Evan O'Connor
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Evan O'Connor, apply now for this great job to teach English in Spain. More job details below.
About the Job
Abbey Road Programs, an independent study abroad company for high school students is hiring a Program Director to travel to either Barcelona or Cádiz, Spain with our student groups of 20-40 teens this summer, and manage a team of 4-8 staff.
This position is perfect for high school Spanish teachers or foreign language department heads.
Here are links to each program...
Cádiz: tudents/
Barcelona:< /span>
As the Program Director in Spain you will:
- Work around the clock to ensure that our students are having a safe and memorable summer.
- Update a blog daily (computer literacy and laptop ownership is a must)
- Attend to student/parent requests
- Manage the budget (with the assistance of our experienced European staff)
- Oversee coordination and execution of the program, including its travel, academic, social, and recreational elements
- Oversee the entire academic process. Work closely with instructors to monitor the overall academic process and student progress. Directors are responsible for conducting student observations, student interviews, gathering student work and analyzing student progress
- Manage and evaluate the program staff team
- Responsible for ensuring the safety of students and staff and for enforcing program rules and discipline
- (Cádiz) Serve as primary liaison to the local host families. The Director oversees the family placements, maintains close contact with the homestay host families, and addresses student and parent concerns
Candidates must be FLUENT in Spanish, possess teaching credentials, visited, worked in and/or studied in Barcelona or Cádiz in the past, and have a valid passport.
Cádiz: July 1, 2018 - August 2, 2018
Barcelona: July 7, 2018 - July 31, 2018
Weekly salary, plus all expenses paid (airfare, housing, food, and activity tickets).
To Apply:
Please send your resume to
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