EFL/ESL/EAP Lecturer/Instructor Positions
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CCCIMC: Univ- Buea
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by CCCIMC: Univ- Buea, apply now for this great job to teach English in Cameroon. More job details below.
About the Job
Camenda Culture and Care Institude of Medicines Cameroon(CCCIMC)UNIVERSITY OF BUEA
South West Region
Republic of Cameroon
(+237) 3302 6013
Fax: (+237) 3336 1325
Email: recruit@cccimc.com
Website: www.ubuea.net
EFL/ESL/EAP Lecturer/Instructor Positions: 6 Months Internship contracts
We are interested in recruiting well-qualified, committed and experienced teachers of EFL/ESL/EAP to teach:
In either the Preparatory English program (PEP), a foundation year preparing students for entry to undergraduate studies;
or, in the English Language Department (ELD) teaching undergraduate students.
The PEP is part of the Preparatory Year Program (PYP), preparing male students for English - medium studies leading to a B.S. degree in science, engineering or industrial management. The PEP consists of two 20 – hour – per - week pre-university intensive courses in general and academic English. The courses take a communicative/interactive task-based approach to language learning and focus on the development of functional English in the four areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
The ELD teaches a three-course program of undergraduate writing and communication skills (ENGL101, 102 and 214) from freshman to senior level. It is a service department for all the colleges.
The PEP currently employs a total faculty of 88 native (born) speakers of English (USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) and the ELD has a faculty numbering 23.
Instructors/lecturers are hired for the beginning of the academic year (Oct 1st).
For the PEP and ELD an MA in TEFL/TESOL or Applied Linguistics, a one - year postgraduate diploma in TEFL/TESL from an accredited university, or an RSA/UCLES DELTA is preferred. More basic postgraduate qualifications in TESOL (CELTA, Cert TEFLA or equivalent, – but not by distance - learning) can also be considered for candidates with particularly appropriate experience.
With an MA in TEFL/TESOL or Applied Linguistics, at least two years’ full-time teaching of EFL/EAP overseas is required. With more basic postgraduate qualifications, further experience is expected.
Those interested in teaching in the ELD should have prior experience in teaching academic reading and writing.
SALARIES are competitive depending on qualifications and experience and range from a yearly salary of (US$85,800 to 120,100) per annum (inclusive of US$3100 transport allowance and Cost of Living allowance –currently 10% and rising to 15% in January 2010).
All compensation is tax-free.
SERVICE INCREMENT: Contracts are for 6 months internship. When renewing the contract, instructors get an annual increase in base salary depending on their performance.
END – OF - SERVICE GRATUITY: After between two and five years of employment, the employee will be paid an amount equal to half a month's salary for each year of service. With five or more years of service, the gratuity is calculated on the basis of a month's salary for each year of service.
ADDITIONAL REMUNERATION: UB also offers an Evening Language Program and short courses to various ministries and private concerns. These courses are taught by PEP and ELD faculty members who are interested in augmenting their salary. Instructors/lecturers who wish to teach the PEP or ELD course during the summer session (which is eight weeks long) are paid two months’ additional salary. There are also opportunities to earn additional income on short courses (four to six weeks) during the summer.
WORKING HOURS: The working week (40 hours) is from Saturday to Wednesday. PEP instructors and lecturers have to teach 20 contact hours a week, attend 5 office hours a week and participate in some administrative duties. PEP instructors teach either early shift (08:00 – 09:50 and 13:10 – 15:00) or late shift (10:00 – 11:50 and 15:20 – 17:10). Occasionally, they may have to substitute, on a rota basis, for an absent colleague.
The ELD teaches 12 contact hours and 5 tutorial hours per week with classes on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday.
UNIVERSITY YEAR: The academic calendar, as set by the Ministry of Higher Education, consists of two semesters: Fall and Spring. Each consists of 15 weeks of teaching followed by 2 weeks allocated for final examinations.
HOUSING: Every employee, single or with family, is provided, rent-free, with his own fully-furnished (bachelor/family) housing unit on campus. Services, including air conditioning, gas, electricity, cable TV and water, are free, as is maintenance. Each apartment has its own telephone. Local phone calls are free.
AIR TICKETS: Annual round-trip air tickets to the point of origin will be provided for the employee, his wife, and up to two children up to the age of 18.
HEALTH CARE: The employee and members of his family are provided with free medical and dental care at the UB Clinic .
CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: The University pays a total sum of $5000 per year per family towards local education expenses. There are a number of highly - rated international schools in the area including American Academy, – with both American and British streams, – and The British School (UK curriculum).
TRANSPORT: Free on - campus buses for employees and their families; school buses to local international schools; regular thrice-weekly shopping buses to Douala and Yaounde.
E-MAIL AND INTERNET: All employees and their families have free access to e-mail and internet facilities both at work and at home.
SHOPS ON CAMPUS: Bank; Post office; Stationer’s; Dry cleaning; take-away restaurant; Supermarket; Petrol station; Vehicle workshop; Vehicle insurance broker; Hairdresser (male and female); Cameroon Airlines.
RECREATIONAL FACILITIES: The Community Center, which is for faculty members and their dependants, is the main area for recreation on - campus. It has two swimming pools (men’s and women’s), a snack bar, function rooms, a library, tennis courts, squash courts, a bowling alley, basketball and volleyball courts, a fully -equipped exercise room, etc. Employees can also use the university gymnasium, stadium, swimming pools and faculty restaurant.
OFF - CAMPUS, the university has its own beach (separate areas for students and university personnel) with changing facilities, shaded picnic shelters, barbecue facilities and a snack bar that is open at weekends.
For information on the PEP visit our website http://www.ubuea.net/
For further information on the University (such as History and Organization; Campus Life; Visitor Information; Location and Climate; Recreation), go to http://www.ubuea.net and browse under these headings.
If you are interested in applying to UB and meet our requirements, send an e-mail to recruit@cccimc.com . Attach your CV/resume giving details of qualifications, teaching and other experience.
Skills Required:
Camenda Culture and Care Institude of Medicines Cameroon(CCCIMC)UNIVERSITY OF BUEA
South West Region
Republic of Cameroon
(+237) 3302 6013
Fax: (+237) 3336 1325
Email: recruit@cccimc.com
Website: www.ubuea.net
EFL/ESL/EAP Lecturer/Instructor Positions: 6 Months Internship contracts
We are interested in recruiting well-qualified, committed and experienced teachers of EFL/ESL/EAP to teach:
In either the Preparatory English program (PEP), a foundation year preparing students for entry to undergraduate studies;
or, in the English Language Department (ELD) teaching undergraduate students.
The PEP is part of the Preparatory Year Program (PYP), preparing male students for English - medium studies leading to a B.S. degree in science, engineering or industrial management. The PEP consists of two 20 – hour – per - week pre-university intensive courses in general and academic English. The courses take a communicative/interactive task-based approach to language learning and focus on the development of functional English in the four areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
The ELD teaches a three-course program of undergraduate writing and communication skills (ENGL101, 102 and 214) from freshman to senior level. It is a service department for all the colleges.
The PEP currently employs a total faculty of 88 native (born) speakers of English (USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) and the ELD has a faculty numbering 23.
Instructors/lecturers are hired for the beginning of the academic year (Oct 1st).
For the PEP and ELD an MA in TEFL/TESOL or Applied Linguistics, a one - year postgraduate diploma in TEFL/TESL from an accredited university, or an RSA/UCLES DELTA is preferred. More basic postgraduate qualifications in TESOL (CELTA, Cert TEFLA or equivalent, – but not by distance - learning) can also be considered for candidates with particularly appropriate experience.
With an MA in TEFL/TESOL or Applied Linguistics, at least two years’ full-time teaching of EFL/EAP overseas is required. With more basic postgraduate qualifications, further experience is expected.
Those interested in teaching in the ELD should have prior experience in teaching academic reading and writing.
SALARIES are competitive depending on qualifications and experience and range from a yearly salary of (US$85,800 to 120,100) per annum (inclusive of US$3100 transport allowance and Cost of Living allowance –currently 10% and rising to 15% in January 2010).
All compensation is tax-free.
SERVICE INCREMENT: Contracts are for 6 months internship. When renewing the contract, instructors get an annual increase in base salary depending on their performance.
END – OF - SERVICE GRATUITY: After between two and five years of employment, the employee will be paid an amount equal to half a month's salary for each year of service. With five or more years of service, the gratuity is calculated on the basis of a month's salary for each year of service.
ADDITIONAL REMUNERATION: UB also offers an Evening Language Program and short courses to various ministries and private concerns. These courses are taught by PEP and ELD faculty members who are interested in augmenting their salary. Instructors/lecturers who wish to teach the PEP or ELD course during the summer session (which is eight weeks long) are paid two months’ additional salary. There are also opportunities to earn additional income on short courses (four to six weeks) during the summer.
WORKING HOURS: The working week (40 hours) is from Saturday to Wednesday. PEP instructors and lecturers have to teach 20 contact hours a week, attend 5 office hours a week and participate in some administrative duties. PEP instructors teach either early shift (08:00 – 09:50 and 13:10 – 15:00) or late shift (10:00 – 11:50 and 15:20 – 17:10). Occasionally, they may have to substitute, on a rota basis, for an absent colleague.
The ELD teaches 12 contact hours and 5 tutorial hours per week with classes on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday.
UNIVERSITY YEAR: The academic calendar, as set by the Ministry of Higher Education, consists of two semesters: Fall and Spring. Each consists of 15 weeks of teaching followed by 2 weeks allocated for final examinations.
HOUSING: Every employee, single or with family, is provided, rent-free, with his own fully-furnished (bachelor/family) housing unit on campus. Services, including air conditioning, gas, electricity, cable TV and water, are free, as is maintenance. Each apartment has its own telephone. Local phone calls are free.
AIR TICKETS: Annual round-trip air tickets to the point of origin will be provided for the employee, his wife, and up to two children up to the age of 18.
HEALTH CARE: The employee and members of his family are provided with free medical and dental care at the UB Clinic .
CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: The University pays a total sum of $5000 per year per family towards local education expenses. There are a number of highly - rated international schools in the area including American Academy, – with both American and British streams, – and The British School (UK curriculum).
TRANSPORT: Free on - campus buses for employees and their families; school buses to local international schools; regular thrice-weekly shopping buses to Douala and Yaounde.
E-MAIL AND INTERNET: All employees and their families have free access to e-mail and internet facilities both at work and at home.
SHOPS ON CAMPUS: Bank; Post office; Stationer’s; Dry cleaning; take-away restaurant; Supermarket; Petrol station; Vehicle workshop; Vehicle insurance broker; Hairdresser (male and female); Cameroon Airlines.
RECREATIONAL FACILITIES: The Community Center, which is for faculty members and their dependants, is the main area for recreation on - campus. It has two swimming pools (men’s and women’s), a snack bar, function rooms, a library, tennis courts, squash courts, a bowling alley, basketball and volleyball courts, a fully -equipped exercise room, etc. Employees can also use the university gymnasium, stadium, swimming pools and faculty restaurant.
OFF - CAMPUS, the university has its own beach (separate areas for students and university personnel) with changing facilities, shaded picnic shelters, barbecue facilities and a snack bar that is open at weekends.
For information on the PEP visit our website http://www.ubuea.net/
For further information on the University (such as History and Organization; Campus Life; Visitor Information; Location and Climate; Recreation), go to http://www.ubuea.net and browse under these headings.
If you are interested in applying to UB and meet our requirements, send an e-mail to recruit@cccimc.com . Attach your CV/resume giving details of qualifications, teaching and other experience.
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