Teacher TEFL/EFL - American English Program Teaching Positions
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Oxana Ustinova
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Oxana Ustinova, apply now for this great job to teach English in Russia. More job details below.
About the Job
American English Program Teaching Positions – Application Deadline March 1
The American English Program has been helping Vladimir residents to learn English since 1992 and currently has more than 600 students each semester who are taught by 10 American and 4 Russian teachers.
PROGRAM BENEFITS: monthly stipend, room and board with a Russian family, three hours per week of one-to-one Russian lessons with experienced instructors, thorough teacher orientation and ongoing teaching support from 2 full-time teacher supervisors, textbooks customized specifically for our program, a pleasant and well-equipped teaching environment, full Russian visa application support, complete onsite administrative support from an excellent Russian staff, and much more.
TEACHER OBLIGATIONS: Plan and teach four (possibly 5) 1½ hour classes that meet twice a week, hold office hours, present a brief “Saturday lecture” on any aspect of American culture, airfare to and from Moscow, visa fee, obtain TESOL certification.
Gain an enormous amount of real-world experience that can translate into opportunities that would otherwise not be available. Some teachers stay for more than one year. For many, the experience is life-changing.